Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I feel like my posts have been dragging lately.
I've been grasping on to old memories and old trials.

But I need to change the mood of my writing.


My classes are still going well.
I'm feeling great about my new path.

Sidenote: My professor loved my boards on Pinterest. She said I had great taste. Holla!


I went to the temple last weekend. The most peaceful place on earth. The temple is a place of meditation. It is the closest place to heaven on Earth.
The temple is where God can speak to me personally.
He reminded me that I need to slow down.
For those of you that don't know, I have felt that I need to serve a mission for my faith the past few years. Through inspiration, I was told it isn't my time to go yet and to pursue my current plans.

For those not of my faith, I know it might be hard to understand this peace I mention. But to put it simply, an apostle of my church said this:

"Can the peace the gospel brings to a faithful Latter Day Saint be transferred to an individual experiencing adversity or great challenges?
The answer is no.
You can't share your personal conversion to another. Conversion is personal."

Whatever faith you are, LDS or not. You can't truly believe in a religion that you don't have a personal conversion to. That is a concept that I am trying to understand in my life. People that want the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in their life--will find it. They HAVE to be converted. They HAVE to put in the dedication, time and willingness.

That is something I am slowly coming to understand in my life.


  1. Lauren, I love all of your posts. You are such a sweet girl and I really admire your spirituality. I also thought that I would serve a mission, but as I approached 21 I felt the impression that it was not for me.

    That decision has actually been difficult for me as an adult because I find myself wishing that I had gone. Almost all of my female friends served missions and it has made them mature in a lot of ways that I am still working on. But I just have to trust that I followed the promptings that I received at the time. After all, if I had gone on a mission I wouldn't have met Tom (we met when I was 21) and I wouldn't be where I am now, and I love and am very grateful for my life.

    Thank you for sharing your feelings, love you sweet girl!

  2. Lauren, I love and miss you. (and I've nominated you, look at my blog and you'll see.. participate if you'd like :))
