Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pause button, please?

There's a lot on my mind.
Sometimes I wish that my life had a pause button.

There are so many things rushing at me that I feel like I can't handle it sometimes.
But then, I remember that through prayer, I can receive comfort & know that everything will work out.

I've been blessed.
I don't know where I'd be without the Gospel in my life.
Religion, to me is not just what I believe.
It is how I act, how I speak and what I do.

I sometimes think I am a therapist to myself.
Does that sound ridiculous?
It seems like whenever I blog, write, whatever...I do a lot of thinking.
I feel like there are 2 sides to everyone, their weak side and powerful side.
The weak side is full of worry with school, money, insecurities, trials and fears begin to pile up.
But then I have my powerful side, thoughts of joy, hope and knowing that things will pass by.
I need to have more Faith. I need to put more of my trust in God.

I know that this year is going to be full of....
New friends, roommates & ward
Difficult classes & long hours of homework.
New challenges and insecurities.

But guess what?
There will be great new adventures with friends, family, my religion and school.
I'm in the program of my dreams, living with great friends, strong family and I love my religion.
I will get through the tough things with God, my friends and family at my side.

I'm sorry if my post was a downer. I've just been stressed out and needed to write things out.

Let us all continue to do our best and rely on our Savior.

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