Thursday, April 7, 2011

interesting experiences with my interesting life.

-went barefoot for TOMS 

 (click the picture and check out their page)

TOMS is a shoe company, which for every pair of shoes that they sell, they donate a pair of shoes to a child with no shoes. which i am totally in support of. i'll be buying some this summer. on tuesday of this week, they did a worldwide no shoes day. it was to advocate how much we take our shoes for granted. honestly, it was painful. especially in logan with this crazy weather. my feet were freezing, started to get roughed up with gravel, and other fun things.

i'm glad that i did it though. it really made me see how fortunate i am and how i shouldn't take even the smallest things like shoes for granted. ever.

-signed a petition for all vegan food cafeterias on campus. 
story: i have a reason though, i was under some huge peer pressure. this girl came up to me and bri in the library and did some quiet rambling and shoved us a sign up sheet. of course, i didn't know what i was signing till i actually read the paper...and i don't see anywhere for ALL vegan food? i just thought it was to offer choices to those that like eating basically nothing. ma bad. so anyways, future freshmen and those that live on campus at USU, if we end up with all vegan cafeterias..i'm very sorry. haha.)

-dug through trash to find water bottles for my recycled trash project.
i'm making a water bottle chandelier. wish me luck. sounds trippy right? stay tuned on pictures. it's for my design theory class. i'm so excited. :)

-went bowling with my friend myles.
why is this interesting you may ask? somehow i got super unlucky...yeah, thats the right word. haha. when it comes to bowling. no lie, i used to have some talent. but i guess if you look at this postiviley...i was consistent at gutter balls? haha.

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