there is just something about it that makes my heart race.
its always been something that i've been interested in, but not until recently i've thought about it as a major.
but, as of now.....i planned out my schedule (haven't registered yet...but my schedule is as follows..)
interior design professional seminar.
computer applications in interior design
rapid visualization in interior design
history of interior furnishings and architecture II
interior design theory
& a rock climbing class. haha.
the thing is...right now i am a pre-interior design major, i have to turn in a portfolio the end of my fresh year, to see if i can be admitted into the program my soph year. there is on average 40-50 students that apply for the program and only 23 get in.
will i be one of the 23?
will i be wasting ALL the money, for a major i won't go into?
but then...
what if even if i don't get in, my classes were so fun, it was worth it?
oh decisions decisions.....
anyways, not only do i love interior design, but there is something special about architecture.
whenever my family and i go on family trips, almost always, my favorite part is when we go past an old historical neighborhood. my brain just freaks out of excitement. i can't tell you how many times i make my dad slow down the car, or pull over just so i can capture that beautiful home. not only do i love the beauty of the outside of the home. but there is a part of me that is just craving to know the history behind the home. who lived there. how old it is. and most importantly, what it looks like on the inside. it's just something that makes me want to just scream of joy. i don't know, i think i'm psycho half the time. old houses just have this sense of splendor. i love the old creaky staircases, the detailed door knobs, the hand painted wallpaper, and oh i can't even explain it.
examples: (pardon the poor quality, it was getting dark)
oh i also love to walk around USU campus, there are so many buildings, especially the geology building. and this other building near it..which i totally blanked out on. but aww...i really just gotta photograph them one day before the snow comes pouring down USU campus.
sometimes i like to pretend i'm an interior designer. yeah...did that with my side of my dorm. i don't really know if i can call it pro, but heck it's a work in progress.
i would love to travel around the globe just dragging my camera around being mesmorized by the buildings, the sites, the interiors.....the beauty of the world.
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