Monday, November 29, 2010

Just feeeeelllinnn happy,

I just wanted to share a portion of a letter I wrote to my brother...


".......So I assume you’re wondering how I am doing, and…I am very happy. Honestly. I just feel SO happy. I feel like I haven’t felt so happy in a long time. I feel like I am doing everything I should be doing. I am taking the time to read my scriptures, pray and strive to keep the commandments. My classes are going well, my friends are amazing and life is just all around grand. I honestly think that since I am taking more time than I ever have to read my scriptures on a daily basis has really helped. I’m beginning to feel more confident and proud of myself too. I know that God is really trying to show me my true potential. I’m just very glad to be alive! Haha. Finals are approaching in just a few weeks. I am starting to take a little studiny at a time so, I don’t bombard myself days before the final. I know that if I make sure and do what I’m supposed to and put in the time, I can do well on them. I sometimes feel surprised at myself when I write letters to you, because I feel like it gives me a chance to see the positives in life. You bring out the best in me. :) I feel like often times I receive some help from above when I write you these letters, because I feel like things just come to me. I hope that even a line of this letter, can help you personally or something that you may be struggling with or need to work on."

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