Tuesday, January 4, 2011


i wanted to write a quick little post about how i've changed this past year.....

throughout high school, i was like any other teenage girl, the whole "trying to find myself" stage.
i simply just had a hard time being me. i spent so much time caring about what people thought.
......which i shouldn't have, but did.
i had a hard time believing in myself. i was bombarded with my outer appearance. i didn't feel beautiful.
i didn't take the time to care how i looked.
i didn't voice my opinion, worried of what others thought.
i was sick of this feeling. i knew it had to change before i got to college.
the common phrase....college is "the time of your life."
i had to get the most out of it.
& that is what i did.

i feel confident.
i feel beautiful.
i speak my mind. (maybe too much.)
i do the little things...just taking the time to look my best, i work out and just smile.
i just feel great.
i realized it's okay to take compliments.
i just looovvveeee life. :)


  1. Lauren. I love you. and I read your blog faithfully. I check it nearly every day. You are so amazing :)

  2. And life loves you...cuz you are so beautiful...to me :) I love you greatly deary :D

  3. Lauren! You are a breath of fresh air. I love your blog.
